Le Boreal bridge
We were expecting to cross the Greenland Sea today and arrive at our destination in Greenland tomorrow afternoon but when we looked at the chart of our progress on the tv in our cabin, we had sailed for a considerable distance during the night but had then doubled back on our track and taken a different route and were only now beginning our crossing. V and I went on to the bridge after breakfast to find that the captain had not been to bed the previous night as the original course had taken him into very heavy ice after about 4 hours sailing. He could find no way out and was forced to retrace his course and find a more southerly route which we were now taking, the result of which was that he had not slept for 36 hours and we will not now arrive in Greenland until late tomorrow evening. From our point of view no hardship as we have two easy days to relax, catch up on photo editing and bring the blog up to date.
Midnight sun on water